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With the Ecocreation Ecodigester, you not only deal with your organic waste in an efficient, sustainable way, you also create a new product: compost.

What is compost?

Compost is a raw material that consists of vegetable residues, for example from vegetables, fruit peelings or other food scraps. Composting also happens in nature, for example the leaves, twigs and dead plants in a forest are transformed over time into new forest soil. Compost is therefore a crumbly, dark brown material.

The output

The output of the Ecodigester has a rich variation of elements, which provide good soil fertilisation. This wide variation makes it distinctive from ordinary fertilizers that only have a very limited number of elements. Moreover, this output has a wealth of microbiological life that greatly enhances the uptake of nutrients by the hair roots of the plants. In addition, the biogas potential of the Ecodigester output is very high; 374 litres per kilogram due to the unique concept of rapid digestion without production of methane gas in the Ecodigester. This results in a saving of 15 tons of co2 on 100 tons of waste.

Request our infographic

Curious about Ecocreation and the Ecodigesters? Request our infographic free of charge. In it you can read in brief who Ecocreation is, what we stand for, how we can make your company greener and how much your company can save with this.

Trusted by:


Igle Sipma

“With Ecocreation's composting machine, all our organic waste is converted into compost and we as La Place close the chain in a sustainable way”

Tim Can

“Working with the Ecocreation composting machine offers our clients a meaningful daytime activity and has a positive influence on their self-esteem”

Leonhart Eichner

“Ecocreation's composting machine is an essential part of our Closed Loop System that we offer our customers”

The New Turn Foundation

“Ecocreation's composting machine is extremely suitable for making industrial buildings more sustainable in an efficient and simple way”

Paul Berntsen

“I make Bakkerscompost from the organic waste from the bakery. So not only do I save money, my waste is even profitable.”

B. Driessen – Hotel manager Van der Valk Akersloot

“By using the Ecocreation composting machine we turn our waste back into raw material, we reduce our CO2 emissions and we save considerably on our disposal costs”.

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