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CO2 reduction for companies

Get to know a new way of waste processing, the Ecodigester by Ecocreation. With this, we process the waste at the place where it originates. The Ecodigester is a new concept based on aerobic bacteria in combination with a unique type of machine. It is similar to composting but without harmful emissions.

The Ecodigester digests any kind of organic waste, cellulose-based disposables and various plastics within 24 hours. And thereby reduces weight and volume by over 85%. As a result, the Ecodigester is also known as a "composter".

The Ecodigester digests the waste exclusively with oxygen, thus preventing the emission of Green House Gasses, or GHG. Therefore, the Ecodigester helps companies and institutions to reduce their CO2 emissions. The Ecodigester reduces the emission of greenhouse gases in different ways.

On-site processing

Processing at the location where the business waste is created means that no organic waste and some plastics are needed to be transported anymore. Everything is processed on site within 24 hours into a good soil fertiliser, a kind of compost. This saves all kinds of logistics and therefore emissions of waste transport, wherever it goes afterwards. Because the soil improver, the compost, can be used on site, you will not receive any emissions transport. You give it to your employees, fertilize surrounding gardens and parks, or make a local entrepreneur happy with it. The quantity is also not that great, the weight and volume is reduced by 85%.

The soil fertiliser, the compost, of the Ecodigester compared to ordinary fertiliser should be seen as an orange compared to a vitamin C pill. Artificial fertiliser is a treat for the soil. It is used up in no time and leaves little behind. Ecocreation's soil fertiliser contains all kinds of enzymes, bacteria and fibres. A plant can therefore absorb food much better and much longer because the whole soil structure improves.

Payback period

Because garbage trucks or other transport vehicles no longer have to drive, they no longer need to be made. This saves a lot of greenhouse gases and results in a significant CO2 reduction. An average garbage truck weighs a lot, up to 18 tons. Making 1000 kg of truck costs 5,500 kg of CO2.

No transport

Because no transport is needed and no waste disposal costs have to be paid, the Ecodigester pays for itself in average 4 years back.

Low maintenance

The maintenance of the Ecodigester also produces CO2. The coming and going of the mechanic for maintenance costs some CO2. Not much, because the machine is very robust and low-maintenance, with as few moving parts as possible. The speed of rotation is also very low. That all makes a considerable difference to CO2 reduction.

Major CO2 reduction

Because the organic waste and certain plastics are converted into a good soil fertilizer without the production of methane, an enormous amount of greenhouse gas is saved compared to other forms of processing, such as incineration. On average, that saves 94 kg of CO2 per 1000 kg of waste!

Small investment
Making the machine costs CO2. But not nearly as much as a rubbish truck with all its equipment. An Ecodigester weighs about 1000 kg. Making a rubbish truck costs 15 times more CO2 than an Ecodigester.
All in all, an Ecodigester that processes 100,000 kg of waste per year reduces CO2 emissions by 10 tonnes per year.

In summary, the Ecodigester digests waste very quickly, without the emission of gases associated with composting waste. It is a much more efficient way of processing and composting than traditional waste processing. Among other things, by processing on site. With an easy to operate machine. It only has two buttons. Via IoT, the rest is controlled.


The advantages:

Icon Organic

Organic waste

becomes a valuable raw material: compost


Less waste

so less costs

Icon Transport

Less transport

so less pollution

Icon check

Less fertilizer needed

thus less depletion of fossil resources and less pollution

Icon Co2


reduce your CO2 emissions

Icon Employees

Proud employees

involved relations/suppliers and enthusiastic customers

Request our infographic

Curious about Ecocreation and the Ecodigesters? Request our infographic free of charge. In it you can read in brief who Ecocreation is, what we stand for, how we can make your company greener and how much your company can save with this.

Trusted by:


Igle Sipma

“With Ecocreation's composting machine, all our organic waste is converted into compost and we as La Place close the chain in a sustainable way”

Tim Can

“Working with the Ecocreation composting machine offers our clients a meaningful daytime activity and has a positive influence on their self-esteem”

Leonhart Eichner

“Ecocreation's composting machine is an essential part of our Closed Loop System that we offer our customers”

The New Turn Foundation

“Ecocreation's composting machine is extremely suitable for making industrial buildings more sustainable in an efficient and simple way”

Paul Berntsen

“I make Bakkerscompost from the organic waste from the bakery. So not only do I save money, my waste is even profitable.”

B. Driessen – Hotel manager Van der Valk Akersloot

“By using the Ecocreation composting machine we turn our waste back into raw material, we reduce our CO2 emissions and we save considerably on our disposal costs”.

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