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The hospitality segment comprises businesses that prepare and serve food and beverages, including hotels, restaurants, catering services, corporate restaurants and other eateries. This segment plays a crucial role in the food industry and focuses on providing eating and drinking experiences to customers, ranging from quick meals to elaborate dinner dishes.

Challenges with food waste in the hospitality segment

1. Overproduction

To always meet customer demand, catering establishments often prepare more food than necessary, leading to surpluses.

2. Unpredictable demand:

Fluctuations in the number of guests and their food preferences can lead to food surpluses.

3. Preparation and cooking residues:

Residues and cutting waste are often generated during meal preparation.

4. Decay and ageing:

Food may spoil or reach its expiry date before it is used or sold.

5. Customer residuals:

Customers often leave food on their plates, contributing to food waste.

6. Food safety:

Strict regulations on food safety can lead to throwing away food that is still edible but no longer meets standards.

7. Environmental impact:

Food waste contributes to greenhouse gas emissions during both production and waste disposal, posing a significant environmental burden.

8. Economic losses:

The cost of ingredients, labour and waste disposal spent on producing unused food leads to economic losses.


By deploying the Ecocreation Ecodigester at catering locations, all food waste can be converted to raw material within 24 hours. This raw material can then be used as a soil improver. As a result, catering locations reduce their food waste, reduce their carbon footprint, save costs and make a positive contribution to the environment.

The advantages:

Icon Organic

Organic waste

becomes a valuable raw material: compost


Less waste

so less costs

Icon Transport

Less transport

so less pollution

Icon check

Less fertilizer needed

thus less depletion of fossil resources and less pollution

Icon Co2


reduce your CO2 emissions

Icon Employees

Proud employees

involved relations/suppliers and enthusiastic customers

Request our infographic

Curious about Ecocreation and the Ecodigesters? Request our infographic free of charge. In it you can read in brief who Ecocreation is, what we stand for, how we can make your company greener and how much your company can save with this.

Trusted by:


Igle Sipma

“With Ecocreation's composting machine, all our organic waste is converted into compost and we as La Place close the chain in a sustainable way”

Tim Can

“Working with the Ecocreation composting machine offers our clients a meaningful daytime activity and has a positive influence on their self-esteem”

Leonhart Eichner

“Ecocreation's composting machine is an essential part of our Closed Loop System that we offer our customers”

The New Turn Foundation

“Ecocreation's composting machine is extremely suitable for making industrial buildings more sustainable in an efficient and simple way”

Paul Berntsen

“I make Bakkerscompost from the organic waste from the bakery. So not only do I save money, my waste is even profitable.”

B. Driessen – Hotel manager Van der Valk Akersloot

“By using the Ecocreation composting machine we turn our waste back into raw material, we reduce our CO2 emissions and we save considerably on our disposal costs”.

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